Exams Office

Madani Boys School 2022-2023 Key Stage 4 Performance
Progress 8 Score +0.64
Pupils achieving 5+ in GCSE Eng & Maths 59%
Attainment 8 Score 52.5
English Baccalaureate APS 4.61
Pupils entering the EBACC 48%
Pupils staying in education or entering employment after Key Stage 4 - 2023 Leavers
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Madani Boys School 2021-2022 Key Stage 4 Performance
Progress 8 Score 0.8
Pupils achieving 5+ in GCSE Eng & Maths 61.3%
Attainment 8 Score 53.98
English Baccalaureate APS 4.38
Pupils entering the EBACC 35.5%
Pupils staying in education or entering employment after Key Stage 4 - 2022 Leavers
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Madani Boys School 2018-2019 Key Stage 4 Performance (not current)
Progress 8 Score +0.36
Pupils achieving 5+ in GCSE Eng &Maths 55%
Attainment 8 Score 53.21
English Baccalaureate APS 4.10
Pupils entering the EBACC 5%
Pupils staying in education or entering employment after Key Stage 4 - 2020 Leavers
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Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, and in line with government guidance, direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years should be avoided

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