School Closures

Emergency School Closure Procedure and Protocol

In the event of incidents such as adverse weather or power failure, every attempt will be made to keep the school open in order to minimise disruption to teaching & learning. However, the prime objective will be the health and safety of pupils and staff. Under such circumstances we will carry out a risk assessment, taking account of the conditions on site and the local vicinity to ascertain if it is safe to keep the school open.

  • Considerations for closure will include the following:
  • Current weather conditions and weather forecast
  • Advice from the Local Authority, Police and other relevant agencies on travelling to and from school (including the safety of walking and cycling to school) and remaining on-site.
  • Availability of teaching staff and key non-teaching staff (e.g. support, premises and catering)
  • Health and Fire Safety of the site and key areas of the school

When assessing the need for closure we will also consider whether any mitigation measures are possible, such as partially opening the school to some pupils.

Closure of the School due to bad weather overnight

If the school is to be closed, we will make every effort to inform parents and carers before 7:30am. This includes texts and e-mails to parents, updating the website and informing the local media (BBC Radio Leicester 104.9FM) and Local Authority (they hold details of all local school closures). The school website will contain the most up to date information and parents/ carers should check the school website regularly for updates. If the school is closed you do not need to report your child as absent.

When the school is open during adverse weather

During adverse weather we will always try our best to keep the school open as much as possible, as long as we have sufficient staff to make it safe to do so.

Please be aware of the following:

  • It may be necessary to open the school later than normal to allow staff and pupils to travel safely. Alternatively it may be necessary to close earlier than normal to allow staff and pupils to travel safely (see below).
  • Due to reduced staffing, the school may open only to certain year groups. Year 11 and subsequently Key Stage 4 in such rare instances would inevitably be prioritised.

Closing the school early during the day

The school will do its utmost to remain open if adverse weather conditions arise during the school day. However, if the weather deteriorates during the day there may be circumstances where we need to close early so that pupils and staff can get home safely. If this happens, we will use text and email alerts to parents and we will also update the school website.

In the extremely rare event of the school remaining closed for more than one day;the school will put in place arrangements for remote learning, work will be made available on our website.


We will make very attempt and endeavour to open the school for any public examinations and are optimistic that we will be able to do so.

Checklist for Parents

  • Please make sure you have checked and provided up to date phone numbers and email addresses to the school office. This includes emergency contact details.
  • Check weather conditions and forecasts in advance.
  • Check text messages & e-mails provided to the school regarding closure and reopening.
  • Check the school website & Twitter page @madanischools
  • Check the Local Authority website: LCC School Closures
  • Listen to BBC Radio Leicester 104.9FM for any updates of school closures

Please make sure that your child can get back into the house safely if the school closes early i.e. that the pupil has a key if appropriate, knows a neighbour who has a spare key, or there is an agreed safe place where they can be supervised.

Keeping children safe in winter

  • When temperatures drop, children need extra attention to stay warm, safe and healthy. Here are some tips to protect children when the temperature drops:
  • Winter clothing. Pupils must wear appropriate winter coats/ clothing, underlayers and footwear, making sure that their head, neck and hands are covered.
  • Install alarms. More household fires happen during the winter so please make sure that you have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home.
  • Safe snow. Whilst playing with snow can be fun, it can also be very dangerous. Pupils must not throw snow that may have foreign objects, packed closely or with ice or at those not actively engaged. All existing Madani school rules and expectations apply.
  • Prevent nosebleeds. If your child suffers from minor winter nosebleeds, use a cold air humidifier in their room. Saline nose drops can help keep their nose moist.
  • Keep them hydrated. In drier winter air, young people lose more water through their breath. Keep them drinking and try giving them warm drinks and soup.
  • Watch for danger signs. Signs of frostbite are pale, grey or blistered skin on the fingers, ears, nose, and toes. If you think your child has frostbite bring the child indoors and put the affected area in warm (not hot) water. Signs of hypothermia are shivering, slurred speech, and unusual clumsiness. If you think your child has hypothermia call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • Don't run cold hands under hot water. If your hands are extremely cold, your first instinct may be to warm them up instantly with hot water or heaters. Don't! Skin that is very cold is more susceptible to burns. It's better to slowly warm up the skin/tissues until they feel better.

Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.

October 2024


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