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British Science Week 2022 - March 2022
Throughout the week pupils had opportunities to take part in enrichment activities. KS3 pupils learnt about many aspects of growth that we find in the living world. They prepared posters for a competition and the winning entries came from year 7. Year 10 pupils had a go at trying to grow plant cuttings and learnt how this is done efficiently in industry. All pupils had a chance to 'guess a mystery growth' that had been placed in the reception area. Winners of the competitions received amazing prizes.
- World Space Week Poster Winners 2022
20/10/2022 (17/01/2023) - World Space Week - October 2021
The theme of this year's National Space week was 'Women in Space' (26/05/2022) - British Science Week 2022 - March 2022
The theme of this year's British Science Week was 'Growth' (26/05/2022)
- Cooking club week 17
Cooking club week 17 (Whole School - 19/12/2024) - Y11 Football: Semi Final Winners
Y11 Football: Semi Final Winners (Whole School - 16/12/2024) - Y9 Football: East Leicester Champions
Y9 Football: East Leicester Champions (Whole School - 16/12/2024) - Cooking club week 16
Cooking club week 16 (Whole School - 15/12/2024) - Cooking club week 15
Cooking club week 15 (Whole School - 05/12/2024) - Cooking club week 14
Cooking club week 14 (Whole School - 05/12/2024) - Launch of MSF Deli
Launch of MSF Deli (Whole School - 22/11/2024) - Cooking club
Cooking club - Week 13 (Whole School - 21/11/2024) - MSF Deli | Launching Friday 22nd November 2024
MSF Deli | Launching Friday 22nd November 2024 (Whole School - 20/11/2024) - Community Anchoring
Community Anchoring (Whole School - 15/11/2024)